Saturday, September 15, 2012

VocableDS a0.1

Hello altogether,

today I'd like to introduce you to my new old project "VocableDS". Three years ago I've begun with this project, but I lost sight of it. Now I've revived it.
I write VocableDS in C/C++ and I use the library PAlib. PAlib is outdated unfortunately, but it's a really good library (especially the graphic and text functions). The developer of PAlib has abandoned the project. No other library supports 16x16 custom text fonts, so I have to use PAlib :P Especially letters like "Å" or "Æ" I can't squeeze into 8x8 tiles, because it would look ugly and the letters would be hard to identify.
So far I've finished the "create function", but I'm still looking for bugs.


- added create function:

::filename is limited to 10 letters, only the character a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and ('-,.!&=+_;) are allowed

::you can press "Confirm" or A to confirm a filename

::you also can press "Cancel" or B to return to the main menu :3

::vocable and translation are limited to 20 letters, all characters are allowed

::with A you can save the vocabulary list

::if you press B you save the translation and go to the vocable

::if you press the enter key on the touchscreen keyboard you save the vocable and go to the translation

::with "Next" and "Back" you can navigate through the previous entered vocable translation pairs

::an entered or edited vocable translation pair is saved

::with "Exit" you return to the main menu


If you notice any bugs, report! :D


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