Tuesday, October 9, 2012

VocableDS b1.3

I've added the option to create also a .csv-file beside a .voc-file to the create function.


- added the option to create also a .csv-file beside the .voc-file to the create function



Monday, October 8, 2012

VocableDS b1.2

I've added the opportunity to convert VocableDS-files to .csv-files which can be opened with e.g. MS Excel.


- added the option to convert a .voc-file to a .csv-file to the edit function. You can open a .csv-file e.g. with MS Excel


Saturday, October 6, 2012

VocableDS b1.1

I've added options to control the order of survey. Available options are "Ending", "Beginning" and "Random".

Ending: begin from the ending of the vocabulary list.

Beginning: begin from the beginning of the vocabulary list.

Random: the order is randomly.


- added options for the order of queried vocables to the test function



Friday, October 5, 2012

VocableDS b1.0

I've added the edit function! The use is pretty like the create function:

- with A you can save the vocabulary list

- if you press B you save the translation and go to the vocable

- if you press the enter key on the touchscreen keyboard you save the vocable and go to the translation

- with "Next" and "Back" you can navigate through the previous entered vocable translation pairs

- with "Exit" you return to the main menu


- added the edit function


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

VocableDS a0.4

I've added a random mode to the test function. That means everytime you get to the next vocable the program will decide which is queried (vocable or translation).


- added a random mode to the test function
